What Happens To Your Body When You Have Chocolate For Breakfast After Just One Day
Published February 8, 2019

Most of us are probably guilty of eating leftover Chinese takeout or a cold slice of pizza when we are too busy to fix a proper breakfast; however, even the weakest among us would probably draw the line at eating chocolate cake first thing in the morning. A new study conducted by Syracuse University in New York may give you the perfect excuse to indulge your chocolate craving.
The Syracuse study followed nearly 1,000 people of all ages, and the study participants were not required to alter their eating habits. The study showed that those who ate chocolate regularly had improved cognitive performance, memory, and abstract thinking skills.
A second study conducted at Tel Aviv University found similar results. The study participants who ate chocolate cake for breakfast found it easier to focus on work. This could be due to the fact that chocolate is rich in flavonoids that can help increase blood flow to critical areas of the brain.
The study also showed that eating chocolate cake before 9:00 in the morning makes you less likely to gain weight from your indulgence. Eating the cake early in the day allows the body to convert it to energy more efficiently so that it is not stored as fat reserves.
Of course, the best reason of all to eat chocolate cake for breakfast is that it tastes delicious. The next time you do not know what to do for breakfast, do yourself a favor and eat cake.